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Promotional Leather Compendiums

Promotional Compendiums are practical and efficient branded items to bring your company logo and message to the front of your audience, whether it is an existing customer, a prospect, an employee or a business partner. If you are looking for a promotional gift item, compendiums make an excellent choice.

At Speedex Group, we supply a wide selection of promotional leather compendiums, deluxe padfolios and economic folders, skilfully designed to meet everyday event and office needs. They can be customised with your logo using methods such as engraving or screen printing. We can help you choose the best branding method to suit your company’s character and emblazon the design onto your folio of choice.

Delivered to You Australia-wide

Speedex Group delivers personalised leather compendiums anywhere in Australia, free of charge. The quoted price is all inclusive, with no additional or hidden costs. For urgent deliveries, contact us before placing your order so we can make arrangements to meet your deadline. If you want to know more about our delivery process, feel free to speak to our sales team today.

Why Compendiums?

Functionality and ease of use make compendiums an excellent choice for promotional gift items. From keeping documents together to organising stationery requirements, their uses make them a staple item in the office and corporate events. The right compendium can last for years, serving its purpose in building your brand’s visibility and reputation along the way.

Why Choose Speedex Group?

Everything we do at Speedex Group is about helping stay ahead of the competition. We achieve this by offering a comprehensive solution that meets all your marketing requirements, from design, production, warehousing to distribution. Each step of the process is optimised to give you a seamless experience. Whether you need advice, quotation or assistance, we’re here to help.

View our list of compendiums or contact us for any enquiries.

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